Affordable Healthcare with the Community Clinic Program
The Community Clinic Program is a model to help you have more of an active role in your healthcare. It is designed around the concept of quality care and first class customer service. This program is here to serve you! Chestatee Emergent Care’s Community Clinic Program allows you access to the clinic and staff during all open hours. It allows you the freedom to have the tests and treatment you need when you are sick. It gives you access to the physician for consultations and counseling on healthcare concerns you may have. It allows you the ability to stay healthy.
The Community Clinic Program is the beginning of something new in healthcare. Taking a patient-centered focus and bringing along efficiency and convenience not previously available in healthcare.
Walk-in patients are always welcome. Our Community Clinic Program Membership is limited to 2,000 total participants.
The Community Clinic Program membership is now a $900 flat yearly fee. Obama care has put numerous unfunded mandates on small businesses, community clinic program provides that mandated primary care.
Services Offered
- Office visits and consultations
- One full physical exam per program year
- Chest x-ray
- Spirometry
- IV therapy
- Casts and splints
- Injury evaluation and treatments
- Minor surgery and stitches
- Health consultations
- In-house CLIA waived lab tests, Strep, H. Pylori and pregnancy tests.
- Sports, school and DOT physicals
- No appointments, Walk-in service
- First class customer service and high quality healthcare
- Screenings
- X-rays
- Ultrasound
- Audiometry
- Injections*
*The medications included are subject to change. They include certain types of antibiotics, steroids, IV therapy, and an assortment of other drugs commonly used in the performance of primary medicine.
Serving North Georgia, located in Dawsonville, Georgia
Open Access, No appointments, No medical insurance other than straight TriCare.