Real Slow Wednesday Morning. Then steady in Bursts. Slowed again the last hour. 21 patients, 6 of them on the CCP Program. Left knee Prosthesis infection back for round 2 – improved on IV Timentin & Gent – continuing abx. Numerous cases with two separate injury or infection sites. x2 MRSA abscess I&D in 20’s something female. I&D x2 bullous insect bites. Right ankle and Right shoulder sprain. Bell’s palsy with Headache and papulo-cystic Rosacea. R dorsal wrist Intra-articular injections hamate capsulitis and 3,4 metacarpal-phalanges jt tendonosis. TB screening. Cleared STD screen. Multiple medicine consults and adjustments. Kell is recovering nicely day 3 from his elbow dislocation – champing at the bit, to resume training. Ari is training apace, more wary now of injurious habits, having seen his elder brother injured. Elizabeth and the littles are still Gem Mining. I’m off to ride my 10 K.
Slow Wednesday
by chill986 | May 22, 2013 | Dr. Berliner's Blog