Tuesday – Full Day on the deck – elevating leg while doing charts – tired out by close – but no 10-K’s this week. 28 patients. Weight Loss and Ragweed Mediated Sinusitis with Bronchospasm tied for first honors at 7 each. Strep x2. Finger Nail Plate Avulsion to remove pumpkin wedge sliver slid down to cuticle. Tinea pedis. Migraine. Refractory UTI. New Onset Diabetes with the classic trio of Polyphagia, Polydipsia, Polyuria. Recheck of crushed, fracture, and lacerated Great Toe – healing well. Acne. Guardianship & Conservatorship Paperwork. Pre-patellar Bursitis with chondromalacia (not septic) s/p construction labor kneeling on concrete without hard cover protectors. Menorrhagia. Will take my leg down, then go home and put it up again. Movie night.
Full Day on the deck
by chill986 | Sep 17, 2013 | Dr. Berliner's Blog