Chilly but bright Spring Wednesday. 30 patients. Residual Post Concussive Syndrome at x1 week s/p : Mild Cognitive Dissonance, Mild Nystagmus, Fast (L), 2cnd concussion in the past month – out of contact sport x1 month. Late in the door with RAD, Hypoxemia, and COPD exacerbation, moaning, dyspnic, & short of breath, SaO2% 82; but pt. is in collections, but pt. is very ill, worked up anyway, was Influenza Type B (3rd today) & treated appropriately, sometimes there is no choice. 100 year history of smoking, worked up for COPD and r/o Pulmonary Mass. Multiple cases Rhinosinusitis – noninfectious – as the pollen blooms. Gastroenteritis. Recheck finger crush and nail avulsion injury. Recheck and unpack Toenail plate partial excision. UTI & Pyelonephritis with x1 Kidney. I&D Perineum MRSA Abscess. A lone DOT PE. Drug screens. Wt Loss. Med consults with labs. Suture removal from longitudinal finger & joint capsule LAC. Neuropathy x2. Home to play Judo with Ari Dalton as he prepares for Senior Nationals Brown-Belt Division.
Concussive Wednesday
by chill986 | Mar 27, 2013 | Dr. Berliner's Blog