Asphalt Wednesday. Busy Morning 13 patients by noon. then the DOT started pouring asphalt across the entrance from Hwy 53 and business slowed to a trickle. No surprise. CCP physical and Surgery clearance. URI, Congestion and Cough with RAD x5 today. Gastritis. Tick Bite prophylaxis for Lyme Ds. & Staph with Doxycycline. Suupurative Hidradenitis. Milia. Staph Folliculitis. Lancing of one lesion early abscess. Sport PE. Rhus Dermatitis. Knee Chondromalacia. OM x2. Off to ride. Kell and Ari have arrived at Jason Morris’ for three weeks, then its down to Florida for a Mat Intensive with Dr. Rhadi Ferguson, then onto the summer competition circuit.