Memorial Day Monday – a salute to all soldiers past and present. Open a few hours, for emergencies. Very light patient load. Beautiful Weather. oF nOTE : L dorsal 2cnd MCP jt. MRSA ABSCESS I&D, L hand ascending cellulitis, Bilateral Hands, forearms and arms with Staph Foliculitis. Onset concurrent with working on restoration of an old, near-abandoned automobile, infested with rats. After I&D, Dual Abx Bactrim & Cleocin, I&D Wound care instructions, & MRSA Lit. provided. Cover-alls and gloves advised when working on restoration of old car. Then a couple of the Ubiquitous Sinusitis with Pharyngitis, Bronchospasm, and RAD, that continues to eke its way through the community. Trx with IM Rocephin-Decadron, PO Cipro, Prednisone, Cough elixer, and Advair MDI. Also an Employer ordered OV for treatment of mixed Hyperlipidemia, noted on employee screening labs – Preventive Medicine at work – trx with Lipitor, Lopid, Fishoil, Diet, and Exercise. A half dozen phone calls.